TrustWellbeing offers a range of therapeutic support services for children, young people and young adults up to the age of 25.
Our fee-based professional and confidential support is available in person at locations in Kirklees, West Yorkshire, online and over the phone, with sessions available during the day, evenings and weekends.
We also offer support to parents, carers and siblings, who are affected by the mental health issues of children and young people in the family as well as health, social care and educational professionals and community organisations
To find out if we can help you, click on the options below to find out more about the services we offer.

Comments from Service Users

Please note, we are not an urgent or crisis response service. You should contact your local single point of access for children's or adults' mental health if you are concerned about risk to self. If you feel you are unable to keep yourself or the person in question safe from immediate, significant harm, please contact the emergency services.