Consultancy and Support

We are experienced in working with schools and colleges on their Whole School Approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing. Our consultancy and support service provides an opportunity for professional dialogue, advice and guidance specific to your context.

Picture of a group of primary school children running towards the camera

Whole School Approach to Mental Health Consultation

We know that schools and colleges already have some great practice and provision around mental health and wellbeing. Our external consultancy service enables you to evaluate and improve the mental health and wellbeing provision within your school or college.

Image of a young man in a shirt and tie smiling at the camera.

internal pathway development

We recognise that schools and colleges need to have systems and procedures in place for identifying and responding to children and young people’s mental health needs. With our support, we can help you to develop an internal pathway, tailored to your context, as a strategic response to identified needs.

Picture of a young woman sitting next to a woman at a desk in the library. The young woman is typing on a laptop.

bespoke support service

We understand that schools and colleges often need support tailored specifically to their current needs and context. We offer a bespoke support service to ensure schools and colleges receive the help and guidance they need.

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