How our Services Work

trust⁠wellbeing is part of an established organisation and you can be reassured that all checks, registration requirements and quality processes are in place to ensure a first-rate therapeutic support experience.

We are members of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP). Our therapeutic practice adheres to and is informed by their ethical framework and guidelines.

Here are some frequently asked questions to help you understand how our services work and choose what's right for you. If you have more questions, contact us and we'll respond as soon as we can.

If you're not sure which therapeutic service to book, our therapies page provides an overview of the therapies we offer. You can find out more about an individual therapist by visiting our meet the team page.

Once you've chosen your therapist, you can check their availability and book a therapeutic service for a time and date that suits you.

If you're still unsure about what you need, we offer an assessment appointment. At this appointment, a mental health professional will evaluate your therapeutic needs and recommend a therapy and/or therapist.

It's easy to book. Simply click or tap book a session on the top right of the homepage. Choose the therapy you want and then book with one of the therapists shown.

If you've never used our services before, the first step is to register with trust⁠wellbeing. This involves filling out an online form so that we have your contact details and your reasons for requesting support. You'll also set up a password so that you can make appointments in future.

If you know which therapist you want to see, you can book them via our meet the team page.

If you need to book more sessions, go to my account log in using the email and password you set up when you first registered.

Therapy sessions are £70 - £80 depending on the type of therapy chosen. Prices are shown on our therapies page and when you make a booking.

Initially you will pay for one session and this payment will be taken at the time of booking. After your first session, and if you want to continue with therapy, you can book and pay for further sessions. These can be booked in blocks of 3 or 6. Your therapist will tell you how many you need.

All your information is stored on a secure database and we only keep information that is needed to enable your treatment and contact you.

Detailed information about your support needs and any notes taken during your sessions will only be accessed by the therapist providing your care.

Our administration team will have access to some of your personal information, so that they can communicate with you about up-and-coming appointments.

From time to time, senior managers at trust⁠wellbeing may need to access your information so that they can complete quality checks, respond to any safeguarding concerns or deal with a complaint.

Our data protection policy can be found in the policies and procedures section of our website.

We understand that therapy is personal and you need to feel comfortable with your therapist and their approach. Sometimes it may take a couple of sessions for you to become comfortable and sometimes, although you feel comfortable with your therapist, the content you are discussing may be uncomfortable.

If you have any concerns, we recommend talking it through with your therapist in the first instance. They won't be offended and will try to help you understand where your feelings are coming from. Ultimately, they will support you in finding the right therapist for you.

Similarly, your therapist might talk to you if they feel they are not the best person to meet your needs or if another service might be more beneficial. Again, they will help you find someone more suitable in our team or help you access wider services that are available to you.

If you don't feel comfortable having the discussion with your therapist, don't hesitate in contacting our service manager via the contact us page and they will get in touch to discuss your options.

Anything discussed with your therapist is confidential and will not be shared outside the session. If your therapist thinks it is beneficial to share something, they will always ask your permission first.

If we are concerned that you or someone else is at risk from harm, we have safeguarding responsibilities which require us to share information with the relevant people or organisations. If this happens, we will explain to you what we are going to do and why. We'll make sure you (and your parents if necessary) are involved at every step in this process.

To maintain our therapeutic service standards, the team at trust⁠wellbeing are required to meet with peers and supervisors to discuss the support they are providing, agree best practice and ask for advice or guidance for themselves. In these sessions, therapists will discuss situations and scenarios but will not share any personal or confidential information.

Most support can be accessed face to face, online or via phone, however, play and creative therapies will need to be face to face for session activities to take place.

Face to face sessions will take place at either Northorpe Hall Child and Family Trust in Mirfield or The Northorpe Centre in the centre of Huddersfield. You can get directions via our contact us page.

Sessions are available during the day, evenings and weekends and when you book your first session, we will ask you to choose a date, time and method that you can regularly commit to.

When booking, follow-up sessions will be reserved on our system so that, if you choose to continue therapy, suitable appointments are available.

Assessment appointments are one-off sessions so can be booked at any time.

In your first session, your therapist with talk with you about confidentiality, safeguarding and how the therapy will work. Then they will spend some time getting to know you and how you're feeling now. If time permits, they might start to explore your therapy goals.

It's important that the support you receive is relevant, appropriate and focused on your goals so there are procedures in place at trust⁠wellbeing to ensure that your therapeutic relationship hasn't become routine or a dependency created. Your therapist will meet regularly with a supervisor to ensure that all safeguarding, privacy and ethics policies are being followed

Our therapists use outcome measures, typically your answers to multiple choice question, to help them understand what support might be helpful. For younger children, outcome measures may be completed by parents or carers and sometimes parents and young people provide answers separately so that your therapist can understand your needs from different perspectives.

To help with the above, your therapist will make detailed notes during your sessions, documenting any actions or tasks that either of you have agreed to.

We understand there will be occassions where you need to cancel or rearrange. Our cancellation policy applies to all fee-based services and is shown below.

Late arrival/missed appointments


As sessions are booked for specific times, we may not be able to see you if you arrive outside of the agreed slot. If you arrive early, we will ask you to wait until your appointment time. If you arrive late, we will not be able to extend the session unless the next slot is free and your therapist has no other commitments.

If you are over 15 minutes late and have not contacted us, we will assume you are not coming and will consider that cancellation without notice which will be chargeable.


If the session is online or by telephone, we will call you (unless a different arrangement is in place) when the session is due to start. If the call is unanswered, we will try again a few moments later. If the second attempt is unsuccessful, we will ask you to contact us when you can take the call.

If you have not contacted us within 15 minutes of the scheduled start, we will consider that cancellation without notice which will be chargeable.

The technology we use for online and telephone counselling rarely fails however where it does, we will do our best to offer the appointment using another communication method. If we cannot deliver the session, we will re-schedule the appointment at no extra charge.


We operate a 72-hour cancellation policy. This means that if you cancel giving 72 hours' notice, we will not charge you for that session and your payment will be moved to your next unpaid appointment.

If you cancel, giving less than 72 hours' notice or you don't attend your session, you may need to pay for the appointment and we will assess this on a case by case basis. We may recommend stopping your therapy with trust⁠wellbeing if multiple sessions are missed so that we don't mis-use your time or your money.

Multiple cancellations by you may result in us recommending that you stop therapy so that we are not mis-using your time and money.

Exceptional circumstances

We know there may be exceptional circumstances when you are not able to attend your scheduled appointment. If there are exceptional circumstances, we will explore ways in which we can support you.

If we cancel

Occasionally, circumstances might prevent us from delivering a session as agreed. We will give you as much notice as possible if this happens. We will not charge you for appointments we cancel and will do our best to re-book at a time that best suits you.

For therapeutic support to be beneficial, those attending need to recognise their need for support and should be motivated to actively participate. They may need some encouragement to attend but should never be forced or bribed as this can be counterproductive.

We understand how frustrating and difficult this can be and will happily talk through options with you as a parent or carer.

Our service manager is responsible for therapeutic services offered through trust⁠wellbeing. They can be contacted via our contact us page and will respond to any queries as quickly as possible.

At the end of support, a personalised report is provided containing a summary of the topics covered during therapy, along with recommendations and reminders to help you move forward with confidence.

If you can't find an appropriate appointment with trust⁠wellbeing, get in touch via our contact us page and we'll try to help.